Is your comfort zone “really” comfortable?


You like to be comfortable!  Because when you are comfortable, you feel, secure and can breathe easily.  But, if you are really honest with yourself, do you believe your comfort zone is where you are meant to stay?  Are you being challenged to step out in order to live into your true purpose?  

It can be tempting to ignore the nudges out of a perceived fear you have been believing but if God has called you to it, He will bring you through it.  I truly believe you will never know your true greatness or live out your purpose in full if you choose to stay comfortable

Ready to talk more about this?  Tune in to this week's podcast and let's dig a little deeper together!  

Don't stay comfortable, friend.  Allow the uncomfortable to take place so you can be unleashed into a new realm that is waiting for you!

Every step you take is progress and it matters!

Be Encouraged,

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